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The eHub supports current partners and acts as a catalyst for new partners in uOttawa faculties, schools, services and student associations. We provide resources, programs and networks to support students, researchers, professors, staff and alumni at any point in the entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial journey — whether they’re dreaming of launching their own business, pursuing their ideas or seeking to acquire entrepreneurial skills for the job market.


To enhance opportunities for students, alumni, staff, researchers and faculty to experience, conduct research on, collaborate in and advance innovation, entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship on campus and in the community through an interdisciplinary hub.


We aim to foster a world-class campus-based entrepreneurial ecosystem at the University of Ottawa, building on the entrepreneurial spirit that has been part of uOttawa for years.

eHub uOttawa

eHub uOttawa

L’incontournable pour tout ce qui se trame en #entrepreneuriat à 𝘂𝗢𝘁𝘁𝗮𝘄𝗮 |🚀| 𝘂𝗢𝘁𝘁𝗮𝘄𝗮’s go-to destination for all things #entrepreneur